KJ LeFave

Position title: Class of 2023

Email: lefave@wisc.edu

Headshot of KJ LeFave

My name is KJ LeFave and I am senior at UW-Madison majoring in History with certificates in Afro-American Studies and American Indian Studies. Favorite topics of mine include Women’s history, Feminism, the Reconstruction Era and Wisconsin’s First Peoples. After I complete my undergraduate degree, I plan on attending law school. I am grateful to be a part of such an important initiative like the Nonviolence Project.

Reclaiming What is Theirs – How Native Activism in Milwaukee during the 1970s resulted in Land Back and Community Growth

Sifting and Reckoning – Unmasking Madison’s Façade of a Liberal Utopia

Dr. Matthew Levin’s Cold War University and UW-Madison’s Legacy of Student Activism

Always Been Here – Wisconsin’s History of LGBTQ+ Presence and Activism

University Failure and Student Response – Linking Today to the 1960s

The Gay Purges – A Brief History of Exclusion and Resilience

Barrier Breakers – Remembering Ada Deer

Barrier Breakers – Mercile Lee