The Peaceful Revolution: The Fall of a Wall and the Rise of Democracy

The Fall of the Berlin Wall was a monumental moment in history, signifying liberation for East Germans and the reunification of Germany. Now taught as the symbolic end of the Cold War, the collapse of this physical representation of the Iron Curtain abolished the oppressive Soviet regime over East Germany, the German Democratic Republic (GDR).

Toppling the Walls of Patriarchy and Militarism: The Women of Greenham Common

A fundamental tenet of civil disobedience, which entails deliberately violating the law as a means of exposing injustice, is encapsulated by the following phrase: “If you always do as you’re told, then you don’t ever change anything.” Roughly 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall—a physical representation of the regime that fell along with it—these words found their way into a documentary about a peace camp that played a critical role in ending the Cold War.

Seven Days that Ended the Prague Spring

“Prague Spring” was a liberalization attempt led by Alexander Dubček, the newly elected first secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, to reform socialism in Czechoslovakia and create a more humane version of communism in April 1968. The program included economic and political reforms, the latter specifically focusing on the freedom of speech and press.