La Hora de Actuar (The Time to Act)

In the midst of a global pandemic and social reckoning, a contentious national election culminated in a Black woman assuming the office of Vice President for the first time in the country’s history. Her name is Francia Márquez, and she is the human and environmental rights activist who went from teenage mother working as a housekeeper to second in command of Colombia’s executive branch.

Verses of Change – An Afro-Caribbean Poet’s Quest for Independence

Language is one of the most powerful tools for resistance.  Some dismiss language alone as incapable of effecting change.  However, history reveals that the ability to understand and communicate a language in a way that connects, empowers, and galvanizes the disenfranchised can itself be revolutionary

Practicing What He Preaches – Pietro Ameglio’s Nonviolent Pursuit of “Peace with Justice”

Since his death in 1948, Mahatma Gandhi’s employment of civil disobedience has famously inspired some of history’s most prominent freedom fighters, including Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama, and Martin Luther King Jr. Gandhi’s name has even become the root of an adjective used for the principles by which he lived.

Para Los Mártires (For the Martyrs) – A Lenca Woman’s Fatal Fight for Environmental Justice

From the start, she spoke with passion and a sense of urgency.  She was accepting the largest award for grassroots environmental activists in the world, and yet she seemed apathetic toward the esteem.  Zeroed in on her cause, she admonished the audience – “¡Despertemos! Despertemos, humanidad.  Ya no hay tiempo” (Let us wake up!  Let us wake up, humankind.  We are out of time).