This oral history interview was conducted by Gabe Sanders with America Bracho, a lifelong community organizer and has founded several health programs for Latinos across the country.
Black Lives Matter
University Failure and Student Response – Linking Today to the 1960s
Earlier this month, a horrific, hate-filled video of a UW-Madison student spouting racist slurs, threats, and a desire to own enslaved people began circulating around the UW-Madison community. It didn’t take long for the video and responses to it to go viral online, resulting in a petition for the expulsion of the students involved with the video amassing tens of thousands of signatures.
Protests in the Age of Social Media
In the last two decades, social media has become a central part of our daily life and a catalyst for change in society. With over 4 billion people using social media globally, various platforms such as Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram have become a way for people to express themselves and share information about topics they are passionate about.
Music as a Form of Protest During the 2020 Black Lives Matter Protests
Hip-hop’s historical connection to social justice has allowed it to be used as a tool to empower the black community to speak out about racism in America.
The Black Lives Matter Movement in Cuba
In June of 2020, the killing of an unarmed young Black man received widespreadmedia attention and sparked calls for protests across Cuba. However, 52 local activists were preemptively arrested for planning such protests that called for racial justice on the island. Additionally, the state-owned communications company blocked phone and internet access the night before participants and journalists were planning to cover the protests.