Every year, come the third Monday of January, Americans flip through news channels reflecting on the legacy of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. Individuals active on social media—depending on the political affiliations of their peers—view a long series of posts listing the bastardization of King’s memory on both sides of the aisle.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Investigating the Meaning and Application of Civil Disobedience Through Thoreau, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.
Disclaimer: The following blog post is not a reflection of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s opinion on the below topics. By Evie Erickson I mean to discuss the practice of civil disobedience and its significance using the …
CORE Set the Foundation
When taught about the civil rights movement the names of Martin Luther King, Ruby Bridges, Rosa Parks, the NCAA, and various others are brought up, but many have never heard of the Congress of Racial Equality or CORE. It is important to understand the impact this group had on civil rights and the fight against discrimination in the United States.
How Martin Luther King Jr. found his Love-Force
This article explores King’s upbringing, influences, and his intellectual journey towards discovering the concept of Satyagraha.