Let My People Go: How an American Student Movement Helped Free Over a Million Soviet Jews

Emboldened by the various other grassroots civil rights movements of the 1960’s, young Jews in America banded together to demand the liberation of Soviet Jews. Their platform called for an end to government persecution of Jews, the right to emigrate from the Soviet Union, freedoms of cultural and religious expression, and other human rights.

Urban Renewal on the Northside of Chicago: Influence of Nonviolent and Violent Protest

Urban renewal projects go hand in hand with gentrification and the displacement of thousands of minorities. The process of urban renewal did not occur without community involvement or community backlash. Many of these projects across U.S. cities were met with both nonviolent and violent tactics to dissuade the destruction of city blocks.

How the “Capitol Crawl” Galvanized Congress Into Passing a Landmark Civil Rights Bill

Sometimes, the fight for civil rights is an 83-step process. Such was the case for disability rights activists in March of 1990, when delays in Congressional action on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) were stalling the overdue passage of a landmark bill to protect individuals with visible and invisible disabilities.